Alpine Animal Chiropractic

Policy & Disclaimer

Denial of Services: We reserve the right to deny services should there be any concern for the animal’s wellbeing.

Cancellations: We require a 24 hour notice for cancellations. Missed appointments without a 24 hour notice will result in a $100.00 missed appointment fee for each horse and $50.00 for each small animal. We understand that weather can be an issue for both parties when Dr. Corey does mobile visits. If weather is an issue, no cancellation fee will be assessed.

Payment: Payment is due at the time of service. We accept cash, credit cards, check Venmo, Square, and PayPal. Dr. Corey does not accept any insurance plans. Should you not be able to be present for the service, we request you please allow payment information to be saved on file BEFORE the time of your visit.

Termination: Ending relationships can be difficult. Dr. Corey may terminate your treatment after appropriate discussion with you and a termination process if it’s determined that professional boundaries are not being upheld, the treatment is not being effectively used, or if you are in default on payment. We will not terminate the therapeutic relationship without first discussing and exploring the reasons and purpose for termination. If treatment is terminated for any reason or you request another provider, we will provide you with a list of other qualified professionals. You may also choose someone on your own or from another referral source. Should you fail to schedule another appointment with me (within in 1 years time), we will consider the professional relationship discontinued.

Disclaimer: Our services are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any condition and should only be used as a complement to regular and concurrent veterinary care. Chiropractic care may provide support and encourage the body into its most optimal state of health. We operate in full compliance with all Utah laws and regulations. The content provided herein is information only and is not to be construed as veterinary or medical advice.