
Includes a kinesiological based assessment, static and motion palpation of the spine, extremities and cranial bones adjusting any vertebral subluxation complexes (joint restrictions) that are present. Equine is strictly hands on with no instruments. Small animals can be adjusted by hand, activator, and arthrostim.

Muscle/Fascia Release

80% of the stability of your body as well as your animal is from the muscles and fascia(connective tissue surrounding the muscles and organs). I utilize muscle balancing or releasing to reset the mechanorecptors and proprioreceptors within the belly of the muscle as well as the muscle-tendon junction to their optimal tolerance and performance. I utilize Neurolink and a modified Bowen technique to release the muscles and fascia in the body allowing for better biomechanics and function.

Emotional/Trauma Release

Emotional/Trauma Release- With humans and animals alike, negative emotions and unresolved traumas are stored in the organs of the body. Each corresponding organ has associated muscles as well as a corresponding acupuncture meridian that will also go into dysfunction if these emotions and traumas remain in the body. For example, if your animal has unresolved fear from a traumatic event, the emotions are stored in the kidney. Correspondingly, the kidney meridian, psoas and trapezius muscles can become tight or even weak leading to instability in the structure of your animal. I utilize several emotional release techniques such as Neuroemotional Technique, Emotion Code, Matrixenergetics, and Creative Emotional Wizardry to release these stored emotions and traumas from the body.

Emotional and Trauma release is for mild to moderate cases. Extreme cases are beyond Dr. Corey’s training and expertise.

Equine and Owner/Rider Balancing

Be in harmony, aligned, and congruent with your animal. Often times a horse’s problems is the owner or primary rider. Horses are extremely empathic and frequently pick up on and store the riders issues whether it’s physical, emotional, or energetic. This is where we address both the owner/ rider and the horse together. Using, chiropractic, muscle/fascia release, and a myriad of emotional and energetic balancing techniques, we can make sure you are in sync with your animal.


At Alpline, our holistic suite of services is designed for your pet’s complete wellness. From chiropractic care to emotional resolution and owner-animal balance training, we bring harmony, alignment, and vibrancy to your pet’s life. Experience the Alpline difference today.